GLS 09M Digital Gloss Meter

Multi angle Digital gloss meter with measuring range uptp 200GU

  • Multi angle 20°/60°/85°
  • Simple calibration. 
  • Memory storage and recall. 
  • Single and continuous measuring modes. 
  • Backlit LCD display 
  • Optional PC interface 


The glossmeter is used in many industries from paper mills to automotive and are used by the producer and the user alike. Few examples include Paints & coatings, additives, inks, plastics, aerospace, automotive manufacture and re-finish, etc. 

Measuring Principle:

Gloss Meter is used to measure the specular reflection (gloss) of a surface. Gloss is determined by projecting a beam of light at a fixed intensity and angle onto a surface and measuring the amount of reflected light at an equal but opposite angle. 

ModelMetrix+ GLS 09M
DisplayBacklit LCD
Measuring range0.1 ~ 200 Gloss Units
Measuring Angle20°/60°/85°
Accuracy+1.0 GU
Repeatability+0.5 GU
Measuring area7 x 14mm(ellipse)
Data storage254 sets
Operating conditionsTemperature : 0 ~ 40oC ; Humidity : <85% RH
Power Supply3.7V Lithium Ion rechargeable battery
Dimensions140 x 45 x 75 mm
Weight305g (including battery)
Standard AccessoriesMain unit, calibration plate, AC adapter and charger, optical cleaning cloth, operational manual, carrying case
Optional AccessoriesPC interface
Catalogue: Catalogue

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