Indoor Air Quality Tester

Metrix+ Indoor Air Quality Testers are helpful to measure CO2 concentration, temperature, humidity, temperature humidity index(Thi), PM 2.5, PM10, and air pressure to give an indication of air quality. This is a critical parameter to ensure safe air and minimal exposure to toxic air, harmful to our health.

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MCO906CP IAQ Tester

CO2/ PM2.5/ PM10 detector, with temp/ RH/ barometer, Dual beam NDIR technology, CO2, upto 9,999 ppm, CO upto 1,000 ppm, PM2.5 and PM10 upto 999 ug/m3, temp 0~50C, RH 0~99%, barometer 50~110kPa, SD card storage, RS485 comm

MCO90C IAQ Tester

3-in-1 Desktop CO2 monitor,Dual beam NDIR technology, 0~5,000PPM, Temp 0~50C, RH 0~99%, negative display, SD card storage, data logging, inbuilt battery

MCO27 IAQ Tester

3-in-1 Handheld+Desktop CO2 monitor, Dual beam NDIR technology, 0~10,000PPM, Temp 0~50C, RH 0~99%, 3 color backlit display, external power supply